Re-Set Programme | 12 weeks

R 1,799.00

Please note, access to this programme starts from the date of purchase unless we explicitly state a particular start date. 

The ultimate, goal
-oriented Re-Set Programme, combining rebounding, and a delicious, nutritious diet overhaul. This is transformation at its most exciting!


“Bad habits can be hard to break, because we are all creatures of habit and patterning. The good news is that the opposite is also true; good habits and fresh new patterns can become part of your everyday mindset, particularly when you start to feel all the positive benefits of healthy, happy living. We understand that so many of you are facing health and lifestyle challenges due to working from home, fears related to the pandemic, and many are recovering from this virus. Come on, let’s get you back on track and in the best condition you’ve ever been!

I have developed a lot of powerful proven platforms for change over the years, and your feedback and testimonials really do keep us all going. Based on all of the above and our experiences following so many of your journeys, I’ve decided to offer you the ultimate reset programme, complete with varied workouts, and incredible new recipes developed by our registered dietician, Carly, and Lrchef, Tamsyn. The "bounti Re-Set Programme" takes you through 12 weeks of transformation - looking and feeling incredible! To ensure everyone can participate in this we’ve taken R10 000 worth of content, and kept it all super, super affordable! What are you waiting for? Here’s your giant reset button to turn it all around.” – Lisa

What You Get:

Training valued at over R5 000
Online workouts hosted by Lisa Raleigh and variations by our team of rebounding instructors.

  • FOMO Rebounding Classes x 24 (2 per week)
  • Class-Style Rebounding Workouts x 12 (1 per week)
  • "Moxie" Body Weight Workouts alternating arm and leg focus x 24 (2 per week)
  • Stretch Routines x 4 (upfront, to repeat throughout the challenge)

*Reference workout descriptions below

Eating plan valued at over R5000
A Mediterranean eating plan with calorie adjustment guidelines based on your profile. The emphasis is on EASY-to-shop ingredients and EASY-to-prepare meals. You do not have to be a qualified chef to nail any of the recipes!

  • New recipes developed by our team of experts that any of you will be able to prepare (we promise they will be easy irrespective of your cooking skills)
  • 4-week menu plan (repeated x3) with all recipes
  • How-to videos and images to guide you all the way

Added Tools 
We are producing some super simple, easy to use guidelines and downloads to assist you in counting calories, the benefits of plant-based eating and working out optimal intakes for your profile. We will send these tools, PDFs and plans to you via Kajabi (our super simple e-learning platform to be explained when you join) or on the WhatsApp group. Our chef, our dietician and Lisa Raleigh herself have developed these tools for you.

Timing & Access
The “bounti Re-Set Programme” begins when you click the link, and you will have access for the 12 weeks + 1 month of extra time. 

All eating plans and recipes will be downloadable, whilst exercise content will be made available through an online portal.

Costs & Value
Total value is in excess of R10 000, but we are keeping this super accessible at R1 799. 

What You Need
The various workouts that you’ll have access to for the duration of the programme will required various kinds of equipment. We will supply you with discount codes, so that all of the items can be purchased at preferential pricing.

Required: Rebounder, ball, band, weights

Optional, but recommended: Body bar, ankle weights, wrist weights, mini loop resistance bands

*Workout Descriptions

  • FOMOs - fear of missing out- we record Lisa’s popular, live classes and upload them to so that no one has to miss another workout. These are done in a class environment. Filmed in studio. We will be using never seen before FOMOs in this offering. We do recommend an external speaker as sound quality is not 100%.
  • bounti beat - super fun dance-style workout with Tertia D. Teria D’s classes recorded and uploaded. We will be using never seen before FOMOs in this offering. We do recommend an external speaker as sound quality is not 100%
  • Class-style workouts - high-quality, filmed and edited workouts. Like our FOMO workouts, but shot with the best camera, so the quality and editing are amazing. This challenge will have class-style workouts that have never been bought or seen before.
  • Moxie workouts, done with equipment and using no rebounder. Functional, varied, focusing on different body zones. Accessible, zero excuse workouts!
  • Stretch workouts with Tertia D - stretches to be repeated on your off days.

Payment OptionsCANSA Seal of ApprovalVitalityMultiply

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Overall Great Programme

This challenge has been a game changer for me and has definitely reset my lifestyle in terms of the food choices I make as well as how often I exercise. My mood has improved, I have more energy and I can see how my resting heart rate has improved since I started. And for all the content you get, it's a bargain for the price. That being said, I didn't give the programme 5 stars because:
1. The sound on some of the workouts made it difficult to hear the trainer over the music and it's easy to miss tips on technique
2. As a total beginner, I managed to keep up with the hour long workouts however I'm not sure if I have the technique down for some of the standard moves. A short video on technique for standard moves would have been great
3. While I found the majority of the recipes delicious and in isolation each recipe is quite easy to make, I found it complex and time consuming for someone who is working a 9 - 5. Even trying to meal prep on weekends was overwhelming (trying to figure out exactly what quantities of each item I needed for the week, shopping and then meal prepping as much as I could for the week ahead). I think this programme would work better if the shopping list had quantities of each item required for each week, keeping in mind ways to optimize meal prepping like meals with similar ingredients that can be prepped in bulk in a given week. Also would appreciate some flexible options/tips for days where you don't have time to make a cooked breakfast like cereals