46 Benefits Of Rebounding

- Enhances digestion and elimination, helping reduce bloating and clear toxins in your body.
- Stimulates your metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day. Rebounding also supports metabolism more than other forms of cardio. Longer cardio sessions are thought to hinder weight-loss efforts due to extended periods of "breathlessness" – which you don’t experience while rebounding.
- Lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which often go hand in hand with weight.
- Reduces cellulite in just a few months by increasing your body’s lymphatic flow.
- Helps curb emotional eating. It does this by regulating your mood, providing feel- good hormones to prevent you eating when upset.
- Helps prevent and manage diabetes by lowering your blood sugar levels and improving the work of your insulin.
- Tightens your tummy by engaging your core in every movement. Rebounding also allows for many specific core moves.
- Is easy and portable. You can move your rebounder into any part of the house and use it whenever it suits you, with no commute.
- Can be used for burst training and HIIT, making it a more convenient way to get fit in a shorter amount of time.
- Has anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to the stimulation and draining of the lymphatic system.
- Increases self-confidence. Studies show that the simple act of exercise (rather than fitness from exercising) can help you believe that you look better.
- Strengthens the heart, by working the cardiovascular system.
- Helps circulate oxygen to tissues. If your tissues and cells do not get enough oxygen, every organ can be negatively impacted, especially the brain, heart, and kidneys.
- Aids lymphatic circulation. Your lymphatic and cardiovascular system work together to keep your blood and lymphatic fluid levels balanced and flush out toxins. Your lymphatic system also moves your immune cells throughout your body to create a defense against infections.
- Gives your body an increased G-force (or gravitational load). This improves your health and strengthens your musculoskeletal systems.
- Increases lung capacity.
- Lowers blood pressure. Rebounding helps your muscles contract, resulting in the rhythmic compression of veins and arteries. This helps move fluids more effectively through the body and back to the heart, helping to lower peripheral blood pressure.
- Increases stamina by boosting neurotransmitter production, which helps promote energy. Rebounding also increases endurance.
- Improves balance by increasing your brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear.
- Improves the immune system by stimulating the action of red bone marrow and supporting the repair of tissue.
- Improves the endocrine system by getting rid of excess hormones and toxins. Rebounding is also a great way to correct a hormone imbalance.
- Improves the effects of strength training. People who rebound for 30 seconds between each set of weight lifting typically see 25% more improvement in their muscles after 12 weeks than those who don't.
- Reduces your risk of chronic disease. Rebounding helps improve insulin sensitivity, heart health, and body composition while decreasing blood pressure and blood fat. These benefits prevent you from increasing belly fat, which can boost your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death.
- Gives you antioxidant protection and increases your blood flow, helping protect the internal structure of your skin and delay signs of ageing.
- Improves sleep quality. Regular rebounding can help you relax, get a higher quality of sleep and stimulate your recovery processes while you sleep.
- Can help you quit smoking by limiting the intensity of your cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
- Can lower a man's risk of erectile dysfunction or improve the sexual function of men who are already affected by erectile dysfunction. For women, exercise can help increase sexual arousal.
- Reduces the urge to ruminate. Exercises like rebounding help prevent people from ruminating on past negative events by altering the blood flow to the areas in the brain that trigger people to repeat stressful thoughts over and over.
- Fights fatigue. You may feel tired immediately after rebounding, but in the long- run, rebounding increases the strength that is needed to keep fatigue at bay.
- Helps maintain functional independence, when practised regularly for 30 minutes a day.
- Reduces risk of cancer. Exercises like rebounding help lower your risk for developing a variety of different types of cancer. Studies have shown a 30-40% reduction in occurrences of breast cancer among women who participate in regular exercise.
- Supports arthritis management. Rebounding helps lubricate the joints with little impact, helping reduce the pain and stiffness that comes with this disease.
- Helps alleviate sluggish digestion and constipation. Rebounding on a regular basis helps encourage digestive health and is an excellent “treatment” for people who suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Reduces the risk of developing dementia, which increases with a sedentary lifestyle.
- Increases bone density and strength, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis and therefore bone fractures.
- Reverses the impact of life-long stress. 30 minutes of rebounding can increase levels of calming brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It may also work on a cellular level to help reverse the toll that stress takes on the ageing process.
- Helps you live longer. Just 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week can increase your lifespan by 3.4 years.
- Reduces the risk of falls. Balance and muscle-strengthening activities like rebounding are important for reducing the risk of falling as you get older.
- Improves memory by boosting blood circulation to the brain, aiding in proper brain function.
- Slows muscle atrophy – an inevitable result of the ageing process.
- Improves posture. As the body ages, the curvature on the spine increases. Rebounding has been shown to help maintain proper body alignment and a strong posture.
- Offers relief from common pains that come with ageing, like neck pains, back pains, and headaches.
- Prevents edema by decreasing the amount of blood that pools in the cardiovascular system's veins.
- Helps rehabilitate existing heart problems and recovery from heart procedures by encouraging gentle, low-impact circulation.
- Encourages collateral circulation, which is important for seniors. This is the alternate path of circulation around a blocked artery or vein, such as a nearby blood vessel, which can help prevent strokes.
- Is easy on the joints. Rebounding has much less impact on joints and soft tissue than other exercises. When bouncing, pressure is more distributed throughout the body, whereas when walking or running, the pressure is mainly on the ankles.