Start your Rebounding Journey! Subscribe to our workouts here
Calling all rebounding newbies! This one’s for ALL of you out there who have heard about the incredible fitness and health benefits of “rebounding” and/or exercising on a mini-trampoline. Whether you have just begun rebounding or you’re interested in doing what NASA calls “the greatest form of exercise ever invented by man-kind”, then this is for you!
Here, South Africa’s top rebounding expert, Lisa Raleigh hosts an introductory rebounding session, which includes:
Become immersed in the bounti philosophy, experience rebounding with one of the most influential global rebounding experts, and learn all there is to know about what we call the incredible “miracle modality”… Become fully empowered to start your rebounding journey!
What a fun, challenging and informative 2 hours. The instructor was amazing. It's harder than it looks (prepare for a bit of a workout) but also doable with no strain on your joints, and you can take things at your own pace. I loved learning about this new modality and trying something new. It also gave me a clear sense of where I want to go next with this. I wasn't planning to but I loved it!
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