R 550.00

Our bounti SCULPT Bands are longer than your typical resistance band to accommodate the more dynamic, Pilates-style movements included in bounti SCULPT workouts. But, you can use them in all our other workouts and programmes. They simply provide you with the necessary freedom to do all of the lengthening and stretching movements that are so heavily incorporated in bounti SCULPT.

Each bounti SCULPT bag contains 2 long bands :

  • YELLOW band: light resistance & length of 1.8 meters
  • GREEN band: medium resistance & length of 2 meters

NOTE : These bands are made of the VERY HIGHEST QUALITY Theraband material and not your typical cheaper low-quality retail resistance bands.

Resistance bands are one of the most versatile, adaptable training tools, that allow you to add resistance to your workouts – whatever you’re doing, wherever you are. The non-gravitational resistance of the band also allows you to protect your joints as you train.

Resistance bands add intensity to your workouts by activating and recruiting different muscle groups, such as your glutes, shoulders or back! Their uses are endless, and they’re small enough to pop into even the smallest handbag and take with you on the go.

Build strength, challenge yourself and optimise your bounti SCULPT workouts by adding these effective, yet efficient, resistance bands to your training accessory repertoire.