
Stretching is something so overlooked, yet so important. Flexibility, posture, breath work, flexibility and mobility, all play such key roles in optimising your body’s movement and ability. Join Tertia, as she teaches you the science and technique behind stretching… Using your Rebounder!
In-depth blog analysis of stretching and the Stretch Programme HERE
“Another game-changing programme launch from the bounti team – YAY! We’re absolutely thrilled to announce the Stretch Programme with Tertia D. If you think stretching is something only athletes, dancers or gymnasts need, think again! We all need to stretch in order to protect and maintain our mobility and independence - remember: MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE. Building strength and fitness is so important, but it’s not enough. So many people neglect flexibility. Stretching is something we should all do on a regular basis – ideally daily.”- Lisa